Getting the paint job right on your vehicle is about more than just knowing how to spray a paint applicator. That’s why our skilled technician, who can blend industry knowledge in the body paint shop with artistry to create the perfect look for every vehicle that we repair.
We have worked with customers who have a wide variety of paint needs, from touching up smaller scratches and dents to a complete automotive repair that requires an entirely new coat of paint on the whole vehicle. No matter what kind of vehicle you need, we have the technology and the skill to make it happen. Even for the smallest repairs, we work diligently to ensure that the colour match is perfect so you don’t have unsightly repair marks that make it obvious you have had work done on the vehicle.
We are confident that you cannot find a higher quality car paint shop, which is why if you have a vehicle that was damaged and needs paint repairs, bring it into Bicester Car Surgery today, to find out how easy it can be to get your car to sparkle and shine just like it did the first day it arrived on the showroom floor.